Focus on MUW - 2022

Positive program evaluation for emergency medical services
The Presidium of the Polish Accreditation Commission has issued a positive program evaluation for the field of emergency medicine conducted at our university at the level of first-cycle studies of practical profile. The next evaluation is scheduled for the 2027/2028 academic year.
badania naukowe WUM
A consortium consisting of the Marceli Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (leader), the Medical University of Warsaw and the Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences has won funding under the OPUS 22 + LAP/WEAVE competition. Researchers from these centers will receive a total of PLN 4,609,465 for the project, which aims to elucidate the role of autophagy in the development of non-alcoholic steatohepatic disease (NAFLD) and develop potential new strategies to delay the progression of the disease.
CWTS Leiden Ranking
CWTS Leiden Ranking 2022 results have been published. The list includes more than 1,300 top universities from around the world. It is based entirely on bibliographic data on scientific publications in the period 2017-2020. MUW performed very well in the ranking.
dyplomy Best Paper Award
Dr. Piotr Regulski and Prof. Kazimierz Szopiński received the prestigious Best Paper Award at the Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare 2022 conference organized by the Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems.
Laureat międzynarodowej konferencji w Holandii
The laureate is Mateusz Gotowiec - a second-year student of the Faculty of Medicine, a member of the SKN of Experimental Medicine at the Department of Research Methodology. The presentation of the results of research in biological brachytherapy, conducted under the direction of Dr. Wiktor Paskal as part of the scientific circle's activities, earned him a victory in the "Oncology II" session during the 29th edition of The International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences. The awarded paper is entitled "New method of selective tumor cell death based on TRAIL singalling".
Successful first part of MUW cycling team's road season
The cyclists from MUWonBIKE can boast, among other things, three podium places in the Polish Doctors Road Cycling Championships, which they won in early June, and second place in the team classification in the Academic Cup of Poland in road cycling. And these are just some of the victories they achieved during the last months of the cycling season.
Public health at MUW with PKA accreditation
The educational process at MUW enables public health students to achieve the established learning outcomes - knowledge, skills and social competencies. Therefore, the Presidium of the Polish Accreditation Committee decided to give the university a positive program evaluation for this field of study. The evaluation applies to both undergraduate and graduate studies.
Success of our orthopedists at the international congress
A team from the Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation MUW took third place in the Best National Poster Session, held at the EFORT Congress in Lisbon. The award-winning paper is on knee joint endoprosthesis.
mgr Artur Białoszewski
It was achieved by Artur Białoszewski, MPH, from the Department of Environmental Hazard Prevention, Allergology and Immunology UCC MUW, who completed his specialization in environmental health in 2020. In June he received congratulations from the Minister of Health for passing the National Specialty Examination in fields applicable to health care with the best score in 2020.
dr hab. Anna Staniszewska
It was obtained by Anna Staniszewska, MD, PhD, from the Chair and Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology MUW. The scientist completed her specialization in public health in 2020. In June this year, she received a letter of congratulations from the Minister of Health for passing the National Specialty Examination in fields applicable to health care with the best score in 2020.