Focus on MUW - 2022

The Medical University of Warsaw together with the National Institute of Oncology - National Research Institute and the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences have begun to participate in a new consortium project "INTEGRATED SERVICES FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES OUTBREAK RESEARCH" (ISIDORe). Funded by the Horizon Europe Framework Programme, ISIDORe involves the most prestigious research units from 32 countries.
prof. Mariusz Ratajczak
Naukowiec związany z Laboratorium Medycyny Regeneracyjnej WUM oraz Uniwersytetem Zielonogórskim, został wyróżniony za znaczące osiągnięcia w zakresie działalności naukowej.
Katedra i Klinika  Onkologii, Hematologii Dziecięcej, Transplantologii Klinicznej i Pediatrii Dziecięcego Szpitala Klinicznego UCK WUM
This prestigious document was awarded to the Department of Oncology, Paediatric Haematology, Clinical Transplantology and Paediatrics of the Children’s Clinical Hospital of the University Clinical Centre of the Medical University of Warsaw. The certificate was awarded by the Polish Society of Paediatric Oncology and Haematology.
prof. Nowis prof Gołąb
Prof. Dominika Nowis from the Laboratory of Experimental Medicine and Prof. Jakub Gołąb from the Department of Immunology are in the Research Team that will implement the project: "Horizon for excellence in applications of matrix RNA in immuno-oncology HERO." A funding agreement has just been signed. PLN 70 million has been allocated for the research.
dr Monika Franczak-Rogowska
The Medical University of Warsaw and 5 other European universities form a partner consortium that has won an EU grant under the Erasmus + programme for 2022-2024. The Polish team within the DOMINOS project is led by Monika Franczak-Rogowska, PhD of pharmacy, from the Department of Medicinal Chemistry of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Medical University of Warsaw.
hands with scan mri
Dariusz Koziorowski, MD, PhD, and Monika Figura, MD, from the Department of Neurology of the Faculty of Health Sciences MUW, in collaboration with the specialists from the Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology at the Mazovian Bródno Hospital, will examine the impact of intestinal microbiota transfer (IMT) on the severity of motor and non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
dr Beata Olędzka
The first substantial monograph entitled "The Book of Latin and Polish Names of Diseases from the Late 18th Century to the Present" authored by Beata Olędzka, PhD, from the Foreign Language Department MUW, has been published in Poland.
mgr Artur Białoszewski
The Mazovian Voivode Konstanty Radziwill appointed Artur Bialoszewski from the Department of Prevention of Environmental Hazards, Allergology and Immunology as a voivodeship consultant in the field of environmental health.