Professor Mariusz Ratajczak awarded by the Minister of Education and Science

Naukowiec związany z Laboratorium Medycyny Regeneracyjnej WUM oraz Uniwersytetem Zielonogórskim, został wyróżniony za znaczące osiągnięcia w zakresie działalności naukowej.

The Professor associated with the Regenerative Medicine Laboratory MUW and the University of Zielona Gora, was recognized for significant achievements in scientific activities.

The awards in this category are given for, among other things:
- conducting scientific research as a result of which new knowledge was acquired that is not aimed at direct commercial application
or new knowledge and skills aimed at developing new products, processes or services
-conducting development work that acquires, combines, shapes, or applies currently available knowledge or skills.

The Minister of Education and Science presented a total of 103 awards in 5 categories, including 86 individual and 17 team awards. The list of laureates was announced during the Gala of Polish Science 2022, which took place on February 19.