Public health at MUW with PKA accreditation

The educational process at MUW enables public health students to achieve the established learning outcomes - knowledge, skills and social competencies. Therefore, the Presidium of the Polish Accreditation Committee decided to give the university a positive program evaluation for this field of study. The evaluation applies to both undergraduate and graduate studies.

The assessment is a confirmation of the high level of education provided at MUW, consistent with the quality standards adopted for higher education. It was issued after reviewing the opinion of the medical and health sciences team, the report of the evaluation team and the University's position on the program evaluation of the field of public health. MUW has met all the criteria specified in the regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education dated September 12, 2018. The next evaluation is scheduled for the 2027/2028 academic year.

Obtaining a positive PKA evaluation was possible thanks to the involvement of the entire academic community: teachers, students and administrative staff in the teaching process and preparation for accreditation.

The Polish Accreditation Commission is an independent institution working to ensure and improve the quality of education at Polish public and non-public universities. Its task is to carry out institutional and program evaluations and support the process of improving the quality of education. This is to ensure that Polish university graduates have a high position in the domestic and international labor market, and to lead to an increase in the competitiveness of Polish universities as European institutions.