Positive program evaluation for emergency medical services

The Presidium of the Polish Accreditation Commission has issued a positive program evaluation for the field of emergency medicine conducted at our university at the level of first-cycle studies of practical profile. The next evaluation is scheduled for the 2027/2028 academic year.

The assessment was issued after reviewing the opinion of the medical sciences and health sciences team, the report of the assessment team and the university's position on the program evaluation for the field of emergency medicine.
The justification states, among other things, that the educational process at the Medical University of Warsaw enables students in the field of emergency medicine to achieve the established learning outcomes for first-cycle studies of  practical profile.
All the criteria specified in the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of September 12, 2018 on the criteria for program evaluation have been met.
Obtaining a positive evaluation from the Polish Accreditation Commission was possible due to the involvement of the entire academic community: teachers, students and administrative staff in the teaching process and preparation for accreditation.