Focus on MUW - 2023

Na pierwszym planie mężczyzna w garniturze i w okularach mówi do mikrofonu. W tle rozmyte postacie siedzących prelegentów. Za plecami mają plakat z napisami Szczyt Zdrowie
Experts gathered at WUM talked about the mental health of the Polish people, availability of innovative treatments, rare diseases. They were also contemplating the ways of supporting medical professions at the time of human resources crisis and the opportunities available to employers to take care of their personnel’s health. Among the participants of the debates, there were medical doctors of various specializations, public health experts, patient organization leaders and representatives of the Ministry of Health.
A man speaking into a microphone, dressed in a suit. Behind him, a screen with a multimedia presentation. In the foreground, from behind, the heads of the audience.
Prof. Plettenburg is the head of the Institute of Medicinal Chemistry, operating within the Helmholtz Zentrum Munich - one of Germany's most recognizable health and environmental research centers. Prof. Plettenburg visited our university at the invitation of the MUW Doctoral School. On Thursday, June 1, he gave a lecture entitled "Drug Discovery in Industry and Academia - from Conceptualization to new Mechanisms and new Modalities."
The lecturer - a tall slim man in a blue shirt and six students at the ultrasound camera. Next to the apparatus is a hospital bed on which one of the students lies undressed from the waist up. A female student is performing an ultrasound on him.
Sixth-year medical students took part in a point-of-care ultrasound course. Due to the EU Visiting Professor project, Prof. Filippo Sanfilippo and Dr. Luigi La Via from the University of Catania were among the lecturers. The training took place June 1-4 in cooperation with the Second Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care at the Medical Simulation Center MUW.
Zbliżenie na rękę, która podpisuje dokument
Representatives of our university and the Warsaw University of Technology (PW) are creating a plan for inter-university pilot initiatives in the field of education. Prof. Marek Kuch, Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Education at MUW, and Prof. Jan Słyk, Vice Rector for Studies at the Warsaw University of Technology, held a working meeting on this very issue.
Lecture hall. In the foreground, heads of the audience visible from behind. At the end of the room a man in a suit and a headset microphone. In his hand he holds a remote control. Behind him, the screen shows pictures of a human liver.
What is perfusion? Can one liver be divided to benefit two recipients? How to predict whether a transplant will be accepted? These and many other questions were answered in his presentation to high school students by Professor Michał Grąt, head of the Department of General, Transplant and Liver Surgery UCC MUW.
Dwie stojące na scenie kobiety. Jedna ubrana w niebieski garnitur, druga w zielony. Kobieta po lewej trzyma statuetkę. Za nimi ekran mlultimedialny.
The ShEO Awards are given by "Wprost." They go exclusively to the hands of women leaders who change the world for the better and are an inspiration to others. Among this year's winners is Justyna Mieszalska, President of the Medical Center MUW. She received the statuette in the Health Care Leader category.
Fragment dyplomu. Na górze napis INTARG 2023, na dole nazwiska i tytuł projektu.
INTARG is an annual international invention and innovation fair. In this year's edition, held May 24-26 in Katowice, Medical University of Warsaw was awarded a gold medal for the project "Optically clearing and tissue expanding solution, its application and method of cleansing and expanding tissues." Its authors are Dr. Pawel Matryba, Prof. Jakub Gołąb and Jacek Tomczuk of the Department of Immunology MUW.
A group of people standing in a hospital laboratory.
May 27 is Laboratory Diagnostician's Day celebrated in Poland. On this occasion, Olga Ciepiela, MD, PhD, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, invited representatives of the Rector's and Dean's authorities to visit the Department of Laboratory Medicine and see the new, just renovated rooms of the Laboratory of the Central Clinical Hospital MUW. The MUW also hosted a conference co-organized by the Faculty of Pharmacy entitled "Laboratory diagnosis of civilization diseases."
Hol szpitala. Na pierwszym planie od lewej młoda kobieta z długimi włosami siedzi z dzieckiem na kolanach. Obok pośrodku kolejna długowłosa kobieta z niemowlakiem na rękach i kilkulatkiem siedzącym obok, przed nimi wózek-gondola . Z prawej kolejny wózek-gondola za nim dwie kobiety. Jedna w bluzce w paski - stoi, druga w czarnej bluzce  - siedzi. Za nimi pośrodku stoi starsza kobieta w białym żakiecie. W tle stoją i rozmawiają ludzie - niektórzy w fartuchach lekarskich i maseczkach chirurgicznych.
As many as 77 photos were submitted for the photo contest accompanying the 8th Breastfeeding Promotion Week at Karowa. The award ceremony and presentation of prizes to the winners took place on May 29 at the Duchess Anna Mazowiecka Clinical Hospital.
Kobieta stojąca za mównicą w auli wykładowej. Obok mównicy stoją dwa rollupy. Za nią rozwinięty ekran multimedialny ze slajdem z konferencji.
What does teaching in obstetrics look like nowadays? What innovative methods can be used in it to strengthen the theoretical and practical knowledge of future midwives? These were the main questions that were sought to be answered during a scientific conference organized by the SKN Ethics and the SKN Obstetrics at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Didactics MUW. The event took place on May 24 at the Didactic Center MUW and brought together many interested parties.