Joint teaching activities of MUW and WUT

Representatives of our university and the Warsaw University of Technology (PW) are creating a plan for inter-university pilot initiatives in the field of education. Prof. Marek Kuch, Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Education at MUW, and Prof. Jan Słyk, Vice Rector for Studies at the Warsaw University of Technology, held a working meeting on this very issue.

The meeting was also attended by: Prof. Paweł Włodarski, Vice Rector for International Relations, Development and Promotion, Prof. Rafał Krenke, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dorota Olczak-Kowalczyk, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Dr. Piotr Luliński, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Vice Deans of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Dr. Piotr Dziechciarz, Chairman of the University's Educational Quality Team, and representatives of the Discipline Councils and student organizations of MUW.

The main objective of the measures taken is to enrich the teaching offer - especially in the areas of interdisciplinarity, new forms of education, teacher cooperation and integration of information systems, and above all the creation of joint student projects. The plans also include academic sports and cultural events. As the universities emphasize, the list is open-ended, and also needs to be prioritized and details worked out. It is now planned to establish a working group, composed of didacticians and students, to coordinate further projects. Therefore, we invite our academic community to cooperate. If you are interested, please send your applications to:

- Our students, future doctors and members of other medical professions, must use modern technological solutions to provide comprehensive care to patients - explains Professor Marek Kuch. - In turn, future engineers without the knowledge and experience of medical professionals cannot create effective technological solutions to meet society's healthcare needs. The cooperation agreement signed in January and a series of further activities with the Warsaw University of Technology gives us the prospect of creating a unique quality in education.