Focus on MUW

Szansa na poprawę jakości życia dla pacjentów urologicznych
Specialists from the Department of General, Oncological and Functional Urology UCC MUW performed the first sacral neuromodulation procedure in Poland using a new generation pacemaker. The patient was a woman with multiple sclerosis suffering from mixed urinary incontinence. As emphasized by Professor Piotr Radziszewski, Head of the Department, who performed the procedure with his team, in patients suffering from neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction, this technique has a high success rate of up to 80%. And thanks to new-generation devices, patients will have a good quality of life for up to 15 years.
Grafika przedstawiająca człowieka siedzącego w dziwacznym pojeździe.
Dr. Stanisław Szlufik from the Department of Neurology of the Faculty of Health Sciences MUW has become one of the few medical scientists to win the NAWA Bekker grant to travel to Prof. Andres Lozano's team in Toronto. There he will engage in a novel research study entitled "Decision support system for the evaluation of brain connectome supported by artificial intelligence methods".
Spotkanie z Małżonką Prezydenta RP w sprawie upamiętnienia Stanisławy Leszczyńskiej
Stanisława Leszczyńska is the patron saint of Polish midwives. To honor this remarkable figure, a chamber sculpture depicting her is to be erected at the Duchess Anna Mazowiecka Hospital in Warsaw. Members of the Social Committee Commemorating the Character of Stanisława Leszczyńska asked the First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda to support this initiative. The visit to the Presidential Palace took place on March 5, 2024.
Grupa osób, studentów i opiekuna z WUM oraz minister zdrowia i przewodniczącej komisji. Stoją i uśmiechają się do aparatu. Za nimi flagi - Polski i UE
Tuesday's meeting, which discussed, among other things, amendments to the Pharmaceutical Law and the Law on the National Oncology Network, was attended by nursing students accompanied by Artur Białoszewski from the Department of Prevention of Environmental Hazard, Allergology and Immunology UCC MUW, who organized the visit to the Senate. The group met with Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna and committee chairwoman Beata Małecka-Libera.
Plakat. Po lewej stronie napis BOOM na niebieskim tle. Po lewej loga
The International Symposium on Orthopaedic Oncology (BOOM) was held in Birmingham. Scientists met to develop the first consensus on the treatment of chondrosarcoma and strategies for treating peri-prosthetic infection after resection of bone tumors. Paweł Łęgosz, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of the Locomotion System UCC MUW, was invited to join the Scientific Committee.
Wykład dla uczniów o tym, jak ważna w medycynie jest właściwa komunikacja
It was conducted by Dr. Antonina Doroszewska, Head of the Department of Medical Communication MUW, where classes on communication with patients have been held for many years for students at our university. Some of the classes have an interactive form and involve a so-called simulated patient. And although the situations during the classes are faked, the emotions are very real. Dr. Doroszewska argued that properly conducted communication can change a lot in the doctor-patient relationship.
prof. Renata Górska
Prof. Renata Górska holds the position of a professor in the Department of Periodontology and Oral Medicine MUW, and is also a national consultant in periodontology. She will serve as a Chairwoman of the Council for the Development of Dentistry - an auxiliary and advisory body to the Minister of Health - from March 16, 2024.
Powołanie konsultant prof. Jolanty Kunikowskiej. Na zdjęciu kobieta i mężczyzna, elegancko ubrani. Uśmiechają się do aparatu. Kobieta trzyma w rękach dyplom z powołaniem.
Prof. Jolanta Kunikowska is Head of the Department of Nuclear Medicine at the University Clinical Center MUW. She received her appointment for another term as voivodeship consultant in nuclear medicine on February 19 from Mariusz Frankowski Governor of Mazowieckie Voivodeship.
Czym zajmuje się radiolog - wykład z cyklu Programu Patronackiego
Dr. Karolina Grąt from the 2nd Department of Clinical Radiology UCC MUW told high school students about the details of this specialty. - Radiology is a very broad and very interesting field. Everyone can find something in it for themselves - the speaker emphasized.
Spotkanie z młodzieżą w Chicago. Grupa osób siedzących przy stole, dwóch mężczyzn, dwie kobiety, rozmawiają.
The meetings were held as part of the Polonia Meetings educational fair, which were organized by the National Agency for Academic Exchange. They were attended by 12 Polish universities, among them the Medical University of Warsaw. Our representatives, Prof. Paweł Włodarski, Vice Rector for International Relations, Development and Promotion, and Jacek Sieńko, MD, PhD, Vice Dean for Student Affairs at the English Division of the Faculty of Medicine, convinced why it is worth studying medical, pharmaceutical and health sciences with us.