Equality at MUW

Work is underway to create a Gender Equality Plan at our university. The obligation to develop and implement such a document is imposed on us by the EU. The first stage of the work was the preparation of an equality questionnaire, which was given to all employees and students of MUW.

The Gender Equality Plan will record institutional changes and specific actions to promote gender equality at the Medical University of Warsaw.

European Commission requirement
We are obliged to develop this document by the European Commission. Promoting equality and gender equality through institutional change - this is one of its priorities. Addressed to EU member states and associated countries, the European Commission's Strategy for Gender Equality 2020-2025 has adopted strengthening the European Research Area as its main objective. Therefore, public entities, research centers and higher education institutions that will apply for  Horizon Europe grants to carry out research projects are required to develop and implement a gender equality action plan.

What the survey is for
Before there is a Gender Equality Plan, it is necessary to find out what the situation is now and what the needs of employees and students are in this regard. The more people who take part in the survey, the more authoritative its results will be. The survey not only includes questions on gender equality, but also relates to other potential causes of discrimination such as religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity or disability. Participation in the survey is voluntary and anonymous.

The study is headed by the Rector's Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment at the Medical University of Warsaw, Prof. Urszula Demkow, MD, PhD.