Pharmacists with coveted degrees

They worked diligently for five and a half years of study. And on Saturday, May 20, in the presence of the rector's and dean's authorities and their loved ones, they received the coveted diplomas. This is a confirmation of the education they received within the walls of our University and, as Rector Professor Zbigniew Gaciong wrote in his congratulatory letter to the graduates, "the seal of the Medical University of Warsaw," as well as "a guarantee respected throughout the world."

The heroes of the ceremony, their families and guests were welcomed by Piotr Luliński, MD, PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, host of the graduation ceremony. He then gave the floor to Prof. Paweł Włodarski, Vice Rector for International Relations, Development and Promotion, who read out a congratulatory letter from His Magnificence. "Please remember that the art of preparing and administering medicines has accompanied humans since the beginning of civilization. It was the development of medicine and pharmacy that set the pace of human development. From now on, you also - Dear Graduates - are part of this relay. From now on, you also have a responsibility, not only to practice the art of pharmacy according to the highest standards and latest discoveries, but also to develop this knowledge. You have a noble duty to help people in sickness and suffering. You have a magnificent mission to perfect yourselves in this art." - wrote the Rector.

Agnieszka Bazylko, MD, PhD, Associate Dean of the Faculty, also gave a commemorative speech. - You have a very broad knowledge, but this is only the basis, now you will begin to specialize in the branch of pharmacy of your choice. And many times you will be surprised by what knowledge acquired during the studies you will use - she said. She added: - You can congratulate yourselves, and thank the people who supported you during your studies.

Oath and Awards

Before taking the Oath of Pharmacists from the heroes of the ceremony, the Dean, the Vice-Rector and Szymon Lipiec of the Student Scientific Society presented the STN Golden Badge. It is awarded to outstanding graduates for a lifetime of scientific work. The award was given to Dawid Frączkowski.
Finally, it was time for the words of the pledge. Performing duties in accordance with the law and to the best of one's knowledge, observing professional secrecy and being guided by the principles of honesty and conscientiousness - these were just some of its points. Concluding, the graduates unanimously repeated the Latin maxim "Salus aegroti suprema lex esto" - the health of the sick is the highest law. They then received their diplomas.

Guest speeches

Marian Witkowski, president of the District Pharmacy Chamber in Warsaw, and Katarzyna Ładno, director of the INTER Poland Warsaw Branch, were also invited to speak. Speaking on behalf of the graduates was Jakub Dudek, who wished his colleagues good luck and great memories of their study years. Finally, congratulations were offered by Aleksander Kuźmicz, vice-chairman of the Pharmaceutical Faculty Student Government said: - We admire you for your perseverance and readiness. For believing in this profession. And although it was sometimes hard, you never gave up, you were able to meet every challenge, bearing the greatest burdens. And only the great ones can do that – said Alexander.

The ceremony was topped off by a short performance by the MUW Choir under the direction of Daniel Synowiec.

In the 2022/2023 academic year, 127 graduates completed the pharmacy degree program.
In addition to those mentioned, the event was attended by: Prof. Mariusz Gujski, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Prof. Tadeusz Grochowiecki, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine,  Joanna Peradzyńska, MD, PhD, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Prof. Grzegorz Nałęcz-Jawecki, Chairman of the Council for the Discipline of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dr. Marta Kijak-Bloch, Chancellor of MUW.