MUW scientist’s project among winners of ABM competition

The Medical Research Agency has settled a competition for head-to-head research in non-commercial clinical trials or research experiments. Funding was awarded to 11 projects. The author of one of them is Krzysztof Dudek, MD, PhD, from the Department of General, Transplant and Liver Surgery UCC MUW. With the ABM funding, he will study the impact of two surgical techniques for performing a wire-wire anastomosis on the postoperative course in liver transplant patients. More than PLN 5 million is available to the researcher.

Purpose of the project

Liver transplantation is the only effective treatment for patients with end-stage liver failure. Transplantation of this organ is a multi-stage procedure, and is thus fraught with a number of potential risk factors that contribute to a significant rate of postoperative complications. Among the most common complications are biliary complications.
The main objective of the study is to compare the effect of two surgical techniques for performing end-to-end ductal intestinal anastomosis - using continuous suture and single suture techniques - on reducing the risk of biliary fistula during the 90-day follow-up period after liver transplantation. And also on the occurrence of other post-operative complications as a consequence of them, i.e.: the occurrence of critical stenosis in the ductal intestinal anastomosis during the 90-day period. 

In addition, the project will evaluate distant biliary complications i.e.: occurring beyond 90 days. Surgical complications, complications related to early and distant graft function, the need for retransplantation and overall survival will also be included in the analysis.

Assumed results

Determining which technique results in a reduction in the number of biliary fistulas could lead to the widespread use of the method contributing to longer survival of patients after surgery, improving the quality of life of patients, increasing patient safety, reducing outpatient as well as inpatient costs.
A reduction in the number of complications translates into fewer endoscopic/radiological procedures related to the treatment of these complications. A reduction in the number of these procedures, which carry the risk of further complications, translates into a shorter recovery time. This, in turn, directly affects the quality of life of patients and their faster return to social and professional activity.

Improved surgical technique also directly improves the function of the transplanted organ. This reduces the risk of the need for retransplantation, thereby allowing more organs to be used for potential candidates for first liver transplantation.

About the competition

The main objective of the competition is to develop new standards for treatment, diagnosis, rehabilitation or prevention as part of ongoing non-commercial clinical trials or research experiments, and to increase knowledge of the most clinically and cost-optimal therapies. The call for applications for the 1st round  ran from March 10, 2023 to April 18, 2023. Nineteen applications were received, and after substantive evaluation, 11 were submitted for funding. The total amount of funding was PLN 138,758,641.24.