The Night of Museums at MUW is behind us

It's been a long time since the Museum of the History of Medicine had so many visitors at a time. Several thousand people visited us on Saturday night.

Two topics dominated this year: dentistry and pharmacy. Dental check-ups, which were conducted by students of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, were the biggest hit. The queue also lined up for the "Practical Pharmacy" stand, where visitors could make their own ointment or view various specimens under the microscope.

Free tests

For many visitors, a visit to our museum was an opportunity to measure sugar levels, check blood pressure, perform spirometry or calculate metabolic age. All tests were available at the stands of students from the IFMSA-Poland Warsaw Branch.

Those willing could also practice CPR on manikins or see how difficult it is to handle instruments in laparoscopic surgery.

Anatomy lessons

Many people took part in anatomy lessons taught by students of the Faculty of Medicine. These were not traditional lectures, but a mapping of the human body presented on a modern illuminated phantom called Cake at the university. The class lasted about 20 minutes, then another group of interested people entered and the anatomy lesson began again.

Expert lectures

As part of the Night of Museums at MUW, you could also listen to lectures with presentations, for example, on wisdom teeth, which was prepared by Dr. Marcin Aluchna from the Department of Conservative Dentistry MUW. And it was not just a lecture about "eight teeth," but a lot of interesting facts about dentistry presented in a light form. The doctor told, among other things, what the first toothpastes consisted of, what the toothbrush belonging to Napoleon looked like, and why chips and cola drink are an extremely destructive combination for our teeth.

The other lectures were also of great interest: by Dr. Maria Turos from the Medical Ethics Study MUW about the beginnings of teaching pharmacy in Warsaw, Klaudia Nestorowicz-Kałużna from Poltransplant about facts and myths about bone marrow donation and Teresa Danek also from Poltransplant about organ transplantation.