Students-to-students. A knowledge pill to mark World AIDS Day

Our students prepared an educational event on HIV/AIDS. The event was aimed at University of Physical Education (AWF) students and was held at their university.

The organizers of the campaign are active in the Scientific Circle at the Department of Infectious Diseases, Tropical Diseases and Hepatology MUW. During the event, they distributed several hundred leaflets with basic information about HIV. They were prepared by the National AIDS Center and the FES Foundation. The HIV knowledge contest was also held. Among other things, AWF students were able to learn about prevention methods and symptoms of HIV infection, as well as where in Warsaw you can get tested for HIV free of charge and anonymously. The campaign was conducted in cooperation with the Faculty of Rehabilitation of the University of Physical Education in Warsaw, and the booth was visited by the dean of the faculty, Natalia Morgulec-Adamowicz, PhD.