Experts on the most cutting-edge methods of treating pain. Conference at the MUW

Our University hosted the 6th International Conference on Interventional Pain Medicine & Neuromodulation together with workshops. It saw the participation of 70 specialists from 16 countries.

Another edition of the event was organised in order to exchange experience and to deepen the knowledge in the scope of interventional methods of pain treatment and neuromodulation.

In the lecture part, the themes discussed related to the use of interventional methods in treating chronic pain in the scope of large joints, back pain and headache, the uses of regenerative medicine in tendon inflammations and degenerative disease. The participants were also discussing the use of neuromodulation in specific medical cases. 
Apart from lectures, workshops were also exceptionally well-attended. They were carried out on separate stands where the participants could learn selected interventional methods of treating chronic pain. The participants had the opportunity to learn how to insert catheters into the extradural space under RTG supervision, identification of celiac plexus with the use of computer tomography and learning to guide the needle inside the spinal structures with the use of ultrasonography and radiology imaging.
Learning ultrasonographic anatomy encompassed the identification of anatomical structures in the area of the rhytidome, knee, hip and spine which have a key role in carrying out interventional methods of treating chronic pain. At the request of the participants, a topographic analysis of a selected anatomic structure was carried out in addition to the planned training programme.

The conference and workshops were attended by a total of 70 participants: anaesthesiologists, neurosurgeons, radiologists, pain medicine specialists, rehabilitation specialists, orthopaedists from the UK, Sweden, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, the United States, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, Lebanon, Kuwait, Japan, Israel, India, France, Belgium and Poland. The presence of the students of medical faculty and physiotherapy and the MUW was noticeable.
This event served as an opportunity to confront and exchange experiences of scientists and practitioners in various medical disciplines. The issue of creating a specialisation in Pain Treatment in Poland was recurring. The meeting created a platform for a wide discussion over the possibilities of the development of interventional pain treatment methods. 

The participants of the conference included, among others:  dr T. Goroszeniuk, President, London Pain Forum Founder&Vice-President, Polish Neuromodulation Society; dr D. Kosson, President, Interventional Section Polish Association of the Study of Pain, Consultant Anaesthetist; dr W. Libionka, President, Polish Neuromodulation Society, Consultant Neurosurgeon; dr A. Bhaskar, President, British Pain Society; Hon.Secretary, Neuromodulation Society UK & Ireland, WIP UK Section.
The event organisers and hosts included: I Clinic of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Department of Legal Medicine and the Centre for Medical Simulation. The international partners included London Pain Forum and the International Neuromodulation Society with the participation of the Interventional Chapter of the Polish Society for the Study of Pain.

The event was held under the Honorary Patronage of His Magnificence Rector Professor Z. Gaciong and the Polish Society for the Study of Pain. 

Foto. Marcin Gęsiarz