Awarded in the competition promoting positive actions in health care

In the fifth edition of the "Healthy Future - Inspirations" competition, the project "ED Fast Track" of the Children's Clinical Hospital UCC MUW. Among the awardees is Dr. Anna Słowikowska from the Department of Cardiac Surgery UCC MUW.

What is Fast Track? It's an answer to the problems associated with the high number of patients of the Hospital Emergency Department UCC MUW. There are regularly about 150 calls per day, which amounts to about 50,000 patients per year. To improve the provision of ED services,  Anna Janus-Mlodowska, MD,  and Łukasz Jablonski, MD, have proposed the creation of a rapid diagnostic and therapeutic pathway for children in whom the reason for the notification is a foreign body located in the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract or ear. Patients, in a specially designated office, are taken care of by residents doing their internship at the Hospital Emergency Department. Supervision is provided by emergency medicine physicians.
- Overloading the ED is a common problem. It is observed all over the world. "Fast Track" provides a relief for other on-call divisions in the ED of the CCH UCC MUW. We have been able to improve the efficiency of both the conservative and surgical divisions. Thanks to this organization of work, it is possible, without waiting, to admit a patient, and then, after confirming the diagnosis, to implement adequate treatment - evaluates Łukasz Jabłoński, MD.

And it was this solution that the organizers of the competition decided to reward, awarding second place in the "Innovative Hospitals - Management" category.
Dr. Anna Słowikowska of the Department of Cardiac Surgery UCC MUW took fifth place in the "Prevention and Popularization of Healthy Lifestyles" category for her self-published book "Heart in good style. How to consciously manage your health". Dr. Słowikowska also received a Special Award for her extraordinary commitment to the health education of Polish people.

It is worth mentioning that we also have two finalists in the competition: the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery UCC MUW for the project "Intra-hospital standard of care for patients with swallowing disorders" (in the category "Safety and reduction of adverse events, with particular emphasis on hospital-acquired infections") and again Children's Clinical Hospital UCC MUW for the project "Physician Assistant as a way to speed up the diagnostic and treatment process in the Hospital Emergency Department" (in the category "Measures for safety and health of employees").

 The "Healthy Future - Inspirations" competition is organized by IDEA TRADE. It promotes individuals, institutions, hospitals, non-governmental organizations and companies that have made a special contribution to the propagation of new ideas, solutions and technologies, influencing the increase of safety of patients and hospital employees. The National Health Fund and the National Institute of Geriatrics, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation have assumed honorary patronage of the competition.

Photo from the award ceremony; "Healthy Future - Inspiration"