Adaptation days for first-year students are behind us

The Student Government MUW and faculty councils met the challenge! These were three intensive days filled with the most necessary information on learning, student life, functioning within structures of the university. And also an opportunity to integrate students, so much needed before starting the next stage of life.

What does studying look like? Where to take care of matters related to the course of study? These and probably other questions are asked by the vast majority of students starting their first year. Senior colleagues come to the rescue during Adaptation Days, held at our university in late September and early October. Among other things, they suggest where to look for basic information, train on the rights and duties of a student, present the rules of the university, and present student organizations. An important aspect of adaptation days is that they facilitate entry into a new environment. To make it possible to get to know new colleagues, after the official part, students participate in meetings within their dean's groups. And already in a smaller group, they can inquire about issues of concern to them related to their studies. Students from older years are eager to share their knowledge and experience. During the event, young people can also meet with university authorities and dean's office staff.

- Adaptation Days are a very important part of the introduction to academic life of first-year students. They are held before the start of classes, so newcomers have the opportunity to receive guidance on how to attend and prepare for them. Of course, they are not just about learning. Adaptation Days are primarily about introducing student organizations and important places at our University. In this way we try to encourage involvement in student activities and show that studying is not just about learning, but much, much more. What's more, during "adaptations" the first acquaintances are made, and maybe even friendships for years - not only those within the dean's groups. That's why every year the Faculty Councils and the Main Council organize this unique event and thus invite new students to join the community of the Medical University of Warsaw - says Agata Andrzejczyk, chairwoman of the Student Government Board.

This year's adaptation days were held on September 29 - for students of the Faculty of Medicine, September 30 - for students of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and the Faculty of Health Sciences, and October 1 - for students of the Faculty of Pharmacy.