How to be polite and firm at the same time? Children's Clinical Hospital UCC MUW hosted a workshop on patient-friendly communication

The classes for physician educators from the Children's Clinical Hospital UCC MUW were held as part of the "Patient-Friendly Communication" course. They practiced communication techniques with children and their parents based on the Positive Discipline method. It emphasizes a kind and firm approach to the child in every situation in life. The training is organized by the Medical University of Warsaw together with the K.I.D.S. Foundation as well as Positive Discipline experts.

The two-day workshop (12 hours in total) was led by trainers experienced in this method. Each topic covered required the full involvement of the participants and was practiced practically. Pediatricians learned what life competencies are shaped by Positive Discipline in children and what a sense of belonging and meaning is. They talked about empathetic communication, the effects of punishment and its impact on long-term results, and the search for alternatives. They talked about empathetic communication, the effects of punishment and its impact on long-term results, and the search for alternatives. The doctors told what challenges they face when working with young patients. They discussed how to deal with difficult situations related to children's behavior in a medical facility.

Positive discipline is an educational method developed since the 1980s. It is based on the trend in individual psychology, the foundations of which were laid by psychiatrists Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs. Its basis is respect and empathy. The method supports the development of self-discipline, responsibility and independence in children of all ages. The effect of proper communication with a young patient, based on the above principles, is to improve the child's mental condition, which significantly supports and improves the treatment process. Therefore, during the training, the trainers stressed the importance of building self-esteem in children, motivating them and encouraging them to cooperate.

In addition to the Children's Clinical Hospital UCC MUW, four other institutions are taking part in the course. As part of the cooperation, MUW is responsible for implementing a research project aimed at assessing the impact of educational workshops for doctors and nurses on communication with patients and their families. The principal investigator is Monika Wanke-Rytt, MD, PhD - medical director of the Children's Clinical Hospital UCC MUW, a specialist in children's diseases from the Department of Pediatrics with Clinical Assessment Unit. Also involved in the project are members of the University's Educational Quality Team - Andrea Horvath, MD, PhD, and Piotr Dziechciarz, MD, PhD. This is because participation in the course gives our university the opportunity to use the skills gained to create new educational methods.

- This is a very good basis for didacticians to practically teach patient communication methods to MUW students. Especially since the Ministry of Health plans to introduce compulsory classes on patient communication into the curriculum as part of clinical exercises. - says Piotr Dziechciarz, MD, PhD.

Based on the course, a "Guide to Positive Relationships with Little/Young Patients" will be created, including support procedures, scripts, solutions to support communication with the patient. A support group operating through the Facebook platform will also be established. A coaching meeting is also still to come for project participants.