Interdisciplinary Conference on Drug Sciences. The ACCORD 2022 international scientific conference ends

The Faculty of Pharmacy of the Medical University of Warsaw organized a three-day conference entitled "Interdisciplinary Conference on Drug Sciences", during which over 250 participants from different parts of the world discussed important and interesting scientific problems of modern pharmacy. The event was held under the patronage of prof. Zbigniew Gaciong, Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw.

Dr. habil Przemysław Dorożyński from the Department of Drug Technology and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, chairman of the scientific committee of the conference, when asked about the topic of the symposium, said: -Synergy is the mutual influence of various factors generating an effect much greater than the sum of each of them. This should be the case both in the areas of cooperation between various fields of science, and between the pharmaceutical industry and university entities. The formula of the conference may become the first step to future success in drug science research, creating broad multidisciplinary research teams or sharing knowledge and competence resources.
The conference consisted of lectures by over 20 speakers from renowned academic centers, including Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Canada, the United States and Poland (, opinion-forming discussion panels with the participation of outstanding scientists and short oral sessions presenting the scientific achievements of young researchers, as well as an expo zone. Among the participants of the conference there were, among others representatives of the Jagiellonian University, Medical University of Silesia and the Medical University of Bialystok.

During the conference, the Professor Stanisław Biniecki Award was presented in recognition of outstanding scientific achievements in the field of interdisciplinary drug research. It was awarded to Dr. Anna Czarna from the Jagiellonian University and Dr. Wioletta Rut from the University of Wrocław.

- The success of the ACCORD 2022 Scientific Conference will translate into the success of the Faculty of Pharmacy and the entire university. The scientific contacts established during the conference will stimulate the scientific development of the faculty, and will also contribute to a significant improvement in the recognition and promotion of the faculty and the university. Both at home and abroad. They will also allow for closer cooperation with external stakeholders, many of whom participated in the conference, presenting the achievements and offer of individual companies – emphasized Dr. habil Piotr Luliński, vice-dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy and chairman of the organizing committee, summarizing the event.

The next edition of the conference is scheduled for 2024.

The event was held thanks to the involvement of members of the Scientific Committee and Organizing Committee, as well as students of the faculty and volunteers helping during the conference.