Pharmacy graduates bid farewell to MUW

For 108 pharmacy graduates, May 14 was an important and certainly memorable day. It was then, during the graduation ceremony, that they received their graduation certificates of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Medical University of Warsaw. During the ceremony, they were accompanied by the university authorities, dean authorities, family and friends.

After welcoming all the participants, which was done by Joanna Kolmas, MD, PhD, Dean of the Faculty, Professor Piotr Pruszczyk, Vice Rector for Science and Technology Transfer, spoke on behalf of the university authorities.

- I believe that you will always remember this moment as one of the good ones in your life. I hope that your daily work will reassure you that you have chosen your field of study well. This day symbolically closes an important stage of your life, and at the same time opens another - a new one, which you have chosen as the path of your professional development. You are really well prepared for your profession and the challenges that await you, you are equipped with knowledge and skills and a degree from a truly excellent university, which is the ticket to fulfilling your ambitions and achieving your goals - said Prof. Pruszczyk.

Then, amidst thunderous applause, Paulina Szczypkowska received two awards - the Golden Graduate Laurel for the highest average of her studies - 4.86 and a diploma from the INTER Polska Insurance Company.

- You have chosen a profession that offers a wide range of employment opportunities and satisfaction, but also involves taking responsibility for your actions and for the patient. And above all, it requires continuous training - said Agnieszka Bazylko, MD, PhD, Vice Dean of the Faculty. Finally, she added: - I assure you that the doorstep of the Faculty will always be open to you.
After the speeches, this year's graduates repeated the words of the oath of a Pharmacist. Performing duties in accordance with the law and to the best of their knowledge, observing professional secrecy and being guided by the principles of honesty and conscientiousness - these are just some of the points of the oath. Finally, the graduates repeated the Latin maxim "Salus aegroti suprema lex esto" - the health of the sick is the highest law. Next, they received their diplomas.

On behalf of the graduates, Hanna Dąbrowska, former president of the Faculty of Pharmacy Student Government and former vice president of the Student Government, addressed the audience. She summed up the 5 years of her studies, spoke about the friendships she had made, thanked her family, friends, academic teachers - employees of the MUW, the dean's office authorities and staff. - Dear Colleagues. The challenges we face are changing. What will always unite us is the fact that we are all graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy MUW. And with pride, relief and a tear in my eye, I can say - we graduated - she concluded. Marcin Jaworski, a member of the Faculty of Pharmacy Student Government Board, thanked Hanna for her past work and dedication to the Faculty's student community.

The graduation ceremony was also attended by: Prof. Agnieszka Cudnoch-Jędrzejewska, Vice Rector for Human Resources, Prof. Aleksandra Banaszkiewicz, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Ewa Czochorowska, MD, PhD, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Prof. Mariusz Gujski, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Prof. Grzegorz Nałęcz-Jawecki, Chairman of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Discipline Council, Włodziemierz Hudemowicz, PharmD, PhD, representative of the District Pharmaceutical Chamber in Warsaw, Katarzyna Ładno, Director of TU INTER Polska S.A. in Warsaw and the members of the Faculty of Pharmacy Student Government. 

The ceremony finished with a short performance by the MUW Choir and the "Gaudeamus Igitur" song.