Thyroid diseases are the topic of the spring edition of the student campaign "Consult a Pharmacist"

Last Saturday, in shopping malls in 11 cities in Poland, students of the largest Polish medical universities performed free examinations and gave advice on the prevention of civilization diseases, especially thyroid diseases. It was a part of the nationwide "Consult with a Pharmacist" event. Every year it is organized by the Polish Society of Pharmacy Students - the largest independent organization of pharmacy students and graduates from all over Poland. MUW students educated and examined Warsaw residents in two of the capital's shopping malls: Młociny and Rondo Wiatraczna. Dozens of volunteers on behalf of our University took part in the action.

Thyroid disorders are one of the most common medical conditions in Poland. About 20% of the population suffers from them or has struggled with them in the past. Taking into account how common these diseases are, the students wanted to convince the residents of Warsaw and other Polish cities that the first diagnostic steps can be made on your own by observing yourself and catching alarming symptoms. - Pharmacists not only sell medications, but also provide counseling. This is a huge and responsible role in the process of health education and prevention. Pharmaceutical care in hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism is not only the control of proper pharmacotherapy, but also education enabling proper prophylaxis and early detection of the disease. - says Karina Grochulska, a student at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Medical University of Warsaw, President of the PTSF Warsaw Branch.

As part of the action prepared by our students, the residents of the capital could take a number of free measurements: blood glucose, blood pressure, body composition, saturation. Our students explained the research findings and encouraged pro-health activities. They answered the questions about pharmacotherapy in hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, explained what TSH is and why it is tested, and presented the role of diet in Hashimoto's disease. They emphasized the importance of a proper lifestyle in counteracting thyroid diseases and other civilization diseases, including hypertension and insulin resistance.

During the event it was also possible to sign up for the database of potential marrow donors, learn how to perform breast and testicular self-examination, find out the difference between a drug and a supplement. Tasting of herbal infusions was also an attraction. Younger residents of Warsaw had an opportunity to test their patience and accuracy while making powders or ointments on their own and see various types of pharmaceutical products under a microscope.

- “Consult a Pharmacist” is one of the largest projects organized by the Polish Society of Pharmacy Students, during which we raise public awareness about the growing risk of civilization diseases and the role of preventive care. As campaign coordinators from MUW, we gained additional knowledge about thyroid diseases. Organization of the event allowed us to broaden soft skills, especially useful in the patient-pharmacist relationship. It was an amazing challenge that made us aware of our strengths and weaknesses and further encouraged us to take action and continue to grow. - Sylwia Wołczak and Dominika Sarzyńska, coordinators of the action in the capital city, sum up.

MUW students affiliated to the PTSF Warsaw Branch were also supported by MUW students belonging to the STDL - Student Society of Laboratory Diagnosticians, IFMSA- Poland Warsaw Branch, SKN Lifestyle Medicine and SKN Clinical Nutrition. The event is held under the honorary patronage of the Medical University of Warsaw and the Faculty of Pharmacy MUW.