Student innovations appreciated by MEiN

As many as 8 projects from our university were included in the list of beneficiaries of the "Students' scientific circles create innovations" Program. This is the highest score among all universities participating in the competition (only Lodz University of Technology achieved the same result).

The "Students’ scientific Circles Create Innovation" program was created to help students complete innovative projects. In this edition of the competition, the Ministry of Education and Science has allocated a total of PLN 6 million to support students' scientific activities. 214 applications were received. 106 projects were qualified for funding. Their authors are students from 46 universities. The students from the Medical University of Warsaw not only received funding for as many as 8 of their projects, but in 7 cases it was the maximum funding (PLN 70 thousand) or almost the maximum (PLN 69 thousand).
The list of our award-winning projects
- Exploring new potential therapeutic directions for the treatment of heart failure
- Development of a platform for expression of recombinant proteins in plant biomass
- Extracellular vesicles as a novel biomarker for diabetic foot syndrome
- Development of a biocosmetic containing plant stem cells
- Molecular factors affecting survival in patients with salivary gland malignancies
- Exosomal miRNAs as a prognostic factor in patients with acute coronary syndromes
- Hormonal profile and characteristics of patients with empty and partially empty sella
- Poszukiwania nowych innowacyjnych leków wśród związków pochodzenia naturalnego
- Search for new innovative drugs among compounds of natural origin