Our scientist co-authored recommendations of the European Thyroid Association

Prof. Tomasz Bednarczuk from the Department of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology has developed recommendations for the management of thyroid disorders caused by iodine contrast agents.

The new recommendations from the European Thyroid Association ETA are very relevant as more and more radiological examinations with iodine contrast agents (ICA) are performed in daily practice. And this may be associated with an increased risk of thyroid dysfunction. ICA-induced hyperthyroidism occurs mainly in iodine deficient regions and in patients with nodular goiter or latent Graves-Basedow disease. In contrast, the risk of ICA-induced hypothyroidism is greatest in individuals with latent chronic autoimmune thyroiditis who live in areas with sufficient iodine supply.

The ETA guidelines developed by Prof. Bednarczuk answer frequently asked questions in clinical practice regarding the risk, prevention, diagnosis, and management of ICA-induced thyroid dysfunction.