Prof. Dorota Olczak-Kowalczyk wins a statuette of St. Apollonia – the patron saint of dentists

On December 16th, the District Medical Council together with the Commission for Dental Doctors awarded Prof. Dorota Olczak-Kowalczyk, acting as the Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the MUW, the head of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry of the FDM MUW, the national consultant for pediatric dentistry, the president of the Polish Pediatric Dentistry Association, with the St. Apollonia Award.

The professor is the first person whom the medical self-government have decided to honor for special merits for the OIL dentists community in Warsaw. In the laudation of Łukasz Jankowski the President of ORL in Warsaw, which was read by Bożena Hoffman the Vice President of KS ORL in Warsaw, we read among other things:
"Dear Professor, on behalf of the doctors and dentists, members of OIL in Warsaw, I would like to congratulate you on the statuette of St. Apollonia, the patron saint of dentists. For the first time ORL together with the Commission for Dental Doctors honor with this award - at the request of the Award Committee - a person who is particularly meritorious for the OIL dentists community in Warsaw. Your competence, knowledge and broad activities for the benefit of Polish dentistry undoubtedly deserve recognition. Such an expression of appreciation from the community of dentists and a form of gratitude is awarding you with the Statuette of St. Apollonia".