Another two MUW-UW scientists with microgrants

Ernest Kuchar MD, PhD - Head of Department of Pediatrics with Clinical Decisions Unit of UCC MUW and Kamilla Bargiel-Matusiewicz, MD, PhD, from the Department of Health and Rehabilitation Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw received funding for the project entitled "Identification of the factors that increase the percentage of children and adolescents being vaccinated”.

The aim of the cooperation between the scientists is to define the strategies for effectively increasing the level of vaccination among the Polish population and to plan and carry out activities addressed to parents, which will increase their willingness to vaccinate children and young people. The project manager is Ernest Kuchar, MD, PhD.
The funds of the total value of ten thousand granted to both Universities will be used to conduct an initial study, which will focus on the preparation of a systematic review of the literature concerning the project topic. The planned activities, inter alia, will include training in the preparation of the review. A review protocol and manuscript will also be prepared, the latter will be translated and submitted for publication.

After the preliminary examination, the researchers will apply for a grant in the OPUS competition of the National Science Centre.