Leader in a competition for development of postgraduate education in biomedical innovation and clinical research

The Medical University of Warsaw triumphed in the competition announced by the Medical Research Agency, winning first place with almost maximum marks from reviewers. The MUW project outdistanced 15 other submissions, confirming its exceptional value and innovation.

The funds in the amount of PLN 2.753 million have been allocated for the development and implementation of an original postgraduate program in biomedical sciences. The project is titled: "Development of postgraduate education at MUW in the face of a shortage of health ecosystem personnel, with particular emphasis on clinical research management and biomedical innovation. REPIB+."

Responsible for preparing the competition proposal were:

  • Prof. Agnieszka Cudnoch-Jędrzejewska, Head of the Chair and Department of Experimental and Clinical Physiology
  • Prof. Paweł Zalewski, from the Chair and Department of Experimental and Clinical Physiology
  • Artur Białoszewski, Coordinator for the development of postgraduate education forms at the Postgraduate Education center MUW
  • Anetta Pszczołowska, Head of the Project Support Department

Main objectives of the project

The project includes the implementation of two editions of the course of study: "MBA in Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation Management (MBA-ZBK)" and three editions of the course "Innovation in Medicine and Health Care (IMIOZ)." These programs focus on the areas of clinical research management, law and ethics, biomedical innovation, and aspects of scientific management and leadership.

The implementation of the REPIB+ project has the ambition to make a significant contribution to the development of human resources potential in the area of clinical research and biomedical innovation in Poland. Thanks to this project, scientific and management staff will be equipped with modern research tools and methods, which will translate into an improvement in the quality of the research carried out and the effectiveness of the implementation of biomedical innovations. Participation in the postgraduate program is free of charge for participants who meet the recruitment criteria.

The success of the project is an important stimulus for further development of postgraduate education at the Center for Postgraduate Education MUW. It confirms that MUW's efforts in postgraduate education are appreciated and have a real impact on shaping the future of medicine in Poland.