Christmas charity concert

There was "All I Want for Christmas" and "Noel," "Oj maluśki, maluśki" and "Jedyna taka noc." The students played and sang a beautiful mix of Polish carols, pastorals and Christmas songs at the Art Club at Oczki Street, which is our historic Medics Club.

The concert was organized by the MUW Student Government, IFMSA o. Warsaw and the Music Based Medicine band. The proceeds were earmarked for the Ronald McDonald Foundation. More than a dozen performers - selected from among MUW students and the university's Music Based Medicine band - appeared on stage. The young artists invited the audience on a Christmas journey through songs from different eras, in different styles, but united by one message - Christmas is a time of love and joy, traveling and meeting others, nativity plays.

The atmosphere of Christmas preparations, which can be seen all around December, could be felt in the song "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Chrismas," while the atmosphere of a century ago could be felt in a carol "Mizerna cicha" from 1849. There was also, among others, Ernest Bryll's composition " W ciepłym wnętrzu kolędy," and at the end the Music Based Medicine band invited everyone on stage to sing " Gdy się Chrystus rodzi" together.

Among the numerous guests who filled the entire club, the concert was, of course, attended by the university's authorities: there was Rector Zbigniew Gaciong, Agnieszka Cudnoch-Jędrzejewska – Vice Rector for Human Resources, Marek Kuch – Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Education, Prof. Dorota Olczak-Kowalczyk - Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, and Jacek Sieńko – Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine.

The following performed on stage: the Music Based Medicine band consisting of: Hanna Dąbrowska, Zofia Włodarczyk, Aleksandra Babiarz, Karolina Niewczas, Katarzyna Flegel, Jakub Rochoń, Liza Yel, Magdalena Bukowska, Maja Jabłońska, Zuzanna Jabłońska, Piotr Mucha, Zuzanna Prokop, Tomasz Majewski, Gabriela Gajo, Witek Cechosz, Szymon Kalaska, as well as soloists: Oliwia Łoś, Maria Frączyk, Zofia Frączyk, Jakub Dajer, Natalia Szczygielska, Barbara Makarewicz, Aleksandra Zagórska, Emilia Małż, Zofia Wyleżoł.